
SAP MM Tables

Willem Hoek on Jan 11, 2013

EDIT on 2022-08-03: Initial post was done in 2013 based on ECC 6. Tables updated to reflect S4/HANA 2021

MARA - Material Master: General data
MAKT - Material Master: Description
MARM - Material Master: Unit of Measure
MAPE - Material master: Export control file 
MARC - Material master: Plant data
MARD - Material master: Storage location 
MBEW - Material valuation
MLGN - Material Master: WM Inventory
MLGT - Material Master: WM Inventory type
MDIP - Material: MRP profiles (field contents) 
MKOP - Consignment price segment (old versions of SAP)
EBEW - Valuation of sales order stock
QBEW - Valuation of project stock
MVER - Material Master: Consumption <Plant>
DVER - Material Master: Consumption <MRP Area>
MVKE - Material Master: Sales <Sales Org, Distr Ch>
MLAN - Material Master: Tax indicator
MAPR - Material Master: Forecast
MDMA - MRP Area data
DBVM - MRP Planning File Entry: MRP Area
MOFF - Outstanding Material Master Records (Maintenance status)

Batch Management

MCH1 - Batches (Cross-Plant)
MCHA - Batches (Plant)
MCHB - Batch stock
MCHB_CHARG - View for batches
MCHBH - Batch stock history by period

The history tables below are related to ECC / ERP only – not S4/HANA.
For S/4HANA these are CDS Database views, not actual tables.
The CDS views are on MATDOC and MATDOC_EXTRACT.

MARCH - Material Master C Segment: History
MARDH - Material Master Storage Location Segment: History
MBEWH - Material Valuation: History
MCHBH - Batch Stocks: History
MKOLH - Special Stocks from Vendor: History
MSCAH - Sales Order Stock at Vendor: History
MSKAH - Sales Order Stock: History
MSKUH - Special Stocks at Customer: History
MSLBH - Special Stocks at Vendor: History
MSPRH - Project Stock: History
MSSAH - Total Sales Order Stocks: History
MSSQH - Total Project Stocks: History


STKO - BOM - header
STPO - BOM – item
STAS - BOMs - Item Selection
STPN - BOMs - follow-up control
STPU - BOM - sub-item
STZU - Permanent BOM data
PLMZ - Allocation of BOM - items to operations
MAST - Material to BOM link
KDST - Sales order to BOM link

Business Partners

BUT000 - General info
BUT100 - BP Roles


LFA1 - Vendor Master: General data
LFB1 - Vendor Master: Company data
LFM1 - Vendor Master: Purchasing Data (Purchasing organization)
LFM2 - Vendor Master: Purchasing Data (Plant, Vendor sub-range)
WYT3 - Vendor Partner Functions

External Service Management

ASMD - Service Master: Basic Data
ASMDT - Service Short Texts

ESKL - Account assignment specification for service line 
ESKN - Account assignment in service package 
ESLH - Service package header data 
ESLL - Lines in service package 
ESSR - Service entry sheet header data 
ESUC - External services management: Unplanned limits for contract item 
ESUH - External services management: unplanned service limits header data 
ESUP - External services management: unplanned limits for service packages 
ESUS - External services management: Unplanned limits for service types


EBAN - Purchase requisition: items
EBKN - Purchase Requisition: account assignment 
STXH - SAPScript Text Header
STXL - SAPScript Text Lines

EKKO - Purchasing document header 
EKPO - Purchasing Document: Item
EKET - Purchasing Document: Delivery Schedules
MDBS - Material View of Order Item/Schedule Line (good to find open PO's)
EKKN - Account assignment in purchasing document 
EORD - Purchasing Source List
EIPA - Order price history record 
EKAB - Release documentation 
EKBE - Purchasing document history 
EKBZ - Purchasing document history: delivery costs 
EKPB - "Material to be provided" item in purchasing document 

EINA - Purchase Info Record: General
EINE - Purchasing info record: purchasing organization data 
KONP - Condition Item
KONH - Condition Header

Inventory Management

ISEG - Physical inventory document items
RKPF - Reservation: Header
RESB - Reservation: Item

MATDOC - Material document in S4/HANA  
MATDOC_EXTRACT - Material document summary in S4/HANA 

MKPF - Material document: Header    (table in ECC, CDS View in S4/HANA)
MSEG - Material document: item      (table in ECC, CDS View in S4/HANA)

Invoice Verification

BSIM - Secondary index: documents for material
MYMFT - FIFO results table
MYML - LIFO material layer 
MYMLM - LIFO material layer (monthly)
MYMP - LIFO period stocks, single material 
MYMP1 - Receipt data LIFO/FIFO valuation
MYPL - LIFO pool layer
MYPLM - LIFO pool layer (monthly)
RBCO - Document item, incoming invoice account assignment 
RBDIFFKO - Invoice Verification: conditions 
RBDIFFME - Invoice Verification: quantity differences
RBDRSEG - Invoice Verification batch: invoice document items
RBKP - Document header: incoming invoice
RBKPB - Invoice document header (batch invoice verification)
RBTX - Taxes:incoming invoice
RBVD - Invoice document: summarization data
RBVDMAT - Invoice Verification: summarization data, material
RBWT - Withholding tax:incoming invoice
RKWA - Consignment withdrawals
RSEG - Document item, incoming invoice

Customising and other master data

T001 - Company Codes
T001W - Plants/branches
T001L - Storage Locations
T024E - Purchasing Organizations
T024W - Valid Purchasing Organizations for Plant

MDLV - MRP Areas
MDLG - MRP Areas - Storage Locations
MDLW - MRP Areas - Plants
MDLL - MRP Areas - Subcontractor
T023 - Material Groups
T024 - Purchasing groups
T030 - Standard Accounts Table (Automatic Account Determination)
T156 - Movement Type
T156T - Movement Type: Text
T16FS - Release Strategies
T16FT - Descriptions of Release Strategies
T16FV - Release Prerequisites
T16FD - Description of Release Codes
T16FK - Release Statuses
T16FC - Release Codes
T161 - Purchasing Document Types

T052 - Terms of Payment & FM FI_TEXT_ZTERM for long text

AUSP - Release Procedure: Strategy values (cl20n, cl24n)
AGR_USERS - Assignment of roles to users
CDHDR & CDPOS - Change history of master data and documents
EDID4 - EDI information
TSTC - SAP Transaction Codes, lock/unlock: sm01, created: se93
TSTCT - Transaction codes TEXT

NAST - Message status