
Configuration of Sales Document Item Category

Willem Hoek on Jan 11, 2013

SAP version used in this post: SAP ERP Central Component (ECC) 5.0

If you don’t know what a Sales Document Item Category is, you may want to start here first.

Item category is determined automatically by the system based on the following criteria:

Lets look at Item category TAN

The full list of default Item Categories in SAP are:

0001 - Requisition
AEN - Qtn from Serv. Order
AES - Qtn from Serv. Order
AFC - Configuration
AFN - Inquiry Item
AFNN - Free of Charge Item
AFTX - Text Item
AFX - Inquiry Item
AGC - Mat.Level
AGE - Service Quotation
AGM - Comp.Level
AGN - Standard Item
AGNN - Free of Charge Item
AGR - Repair Quotation
AGTX - Text Item
AGX - Quotation Item
ALEN - ALE Standard Order
ALES - ALE Third Party
APX - Quotation Item Proj.
APXS - Quotation Item Stat.
AVC - Configuration
AVN - Standard Item
B1E - Reb.Credit Memo Req.
B1N - Reb.Credit Memo Req.
BI1 - Indirect Item Rebate
BI2 - Indir.Returns Rebate
BVN - Cash Sales
BVNN - Cash Sales:FreeofCh.
CH00 - Request Rent D
CH01 - Cancel.Rent Req. D
CH02 - Request Admin.Cost D
CH03 - Cancel.AdmCo Req. D
CH04 - IEA Request D
CH05 - Cancel.IEA Request D
CH06 - IEA Intern. Deb
CH07 - Cancel.IEA Intern. D
CH08 - Request Rent D Pr.
CH09 - Cancel.Rent P.Req.D
CH10 - IEA Pr. Req. D
CH11 - CancelIEA Pr. Req. D
CH12 - IEA pr. Int. Deb.
CH13 - Cancel. IEA Pr. Int.
CH14 - IE Sett.Req D
CH15 - Cancel.IE Sett.Req D
CH16 - CreditMemo IE Sett.D
CH17 - C.CreMemo IE Sett. D
CH18 - IE Sett. Intern D
CH19 - Canc.IE Sett. Int. D
CH20 - IE Sett.Req D
CH21 - Cancel.IE Sett.Req D
CH22 - CreditMemo IE Sett.D
CH23 - C.CreMemo IE Sett. D
CH24 - IE Sett. Intern D
CH25 - Canc.IE Sett. Int. D
CH26 - Request Sec. Dep. D
CH27 - Cancel.Sec.Dep.Req D
CH28 - Sec.Dep. Statement D
CH29 - Cancel.Sec.Dep.Sta D
CH30 - Sec.Dep.Inter.Sta D
CH31 - Cancel.S.D.Int.Sta D
CH32 - Sec.Dep.Res. Req. D
CH33 - Ca.Sec.Dep.Res.Req.D
CH34 - Sec.Dep.Res. Sta.D
CH35 - Ca.Sec.Dep.Res.Req.D
CH36 - Sec.Dep.Inter.Req D
CH37 - Ca.Sec.Dep.Int.Req.D
CHA0 - Payment Statement D
CHA1 - Cancel.Payment Sta D
CHA2 - Request Payment D
CHA3 - RequestCanc.Paymnt D
CHB0 - Depreciation D
CHB1 - C Depriaition D
CHBA - Rebate
CHBB - Rebate Cancellation
CHBV - Clearing
CHBW - Clearing Bonus
CHK0 - Payment Sta. C
CHK1 - Cancel.Payment Sta D
CHK2 - Payment Req. C
CHK3 - Cancel.Payment Req C
CHT0 - Repayment Sta D
CHT1 - Cancel.Repay.Sta D
CHT2 - Request Repayment D
CHT3 - Cancel.Repay.Req. D
CHV0 - Request Refund D
CHV1 - Cancel.Req. Refund D
CHZ0 - Interest Res. D
CHZ1 - Canc.Interest Res. D
CHZ2 - Request Interest D
CHZ3 - Cancel. Inter.Req. D
DIGN - Goods Mov-Inb. Dely
DLN - Stndard Itm w/o Ord.
DLN2 - DFPS Normal Item
DLP - Items from Projects
DLTX - Text Item
DLW - Value Item
DLX - Non-stock item
DOGN - Goods Mov-Outb. Dely
DSI - CMS Stdrd Indiv.Part
DSTP - TransfPostItemCentr
EDK - ExtAgtCorrectionItem
EDK1 - Neg.Correct-Ext Agt
EGN - Rough Goods Receipt
EGSH - Rough GR:SLSMainItem
EGSU - Rough GR:SLS SubItem
ELN - Inbound Delivery
ELP - Inb. Delvy Packaging
ELSH - Inb. Dely SLS MItem
ELSU - Inb.Dely SLS Subitem
G2N - Request
G2S - Statistical Request
G2TX - Text Item
G2W - Request
G2WT - Val. Item for SBWAP
GFN - Request Billing Plan
HIDN - SH - Item
HODN - Goods Issue - Item
HSTP - TransferPostingItem
HUPM - Additionals Item
IRAL - Repaired Goods Del.
IRAT - Repairs Exchange
IRGN - Repairs Credit Memo
IRIN - DynItems for BillDoc
IRLA - Pickup Replacement
IRLB - Send Replacement
IRLN - Repairs Debit Memo
IRNI - Statist. Dyn. Items
IRPA - Fixed Rate Repairs
IRRA - Repair Costs
IRRE - Return for Repairs
IRRP - Repair
IRRS - Rep. Serv. Resources
IRVE - Scrap Goods
KAN - Consignment Pick-up
KBN - Consignment Fill-up
KEN - Consignment Issue
KLN - Free of Charge Item
KLS - F.O.C Non-stock Item
KLX - Free of Charge Item
KMN - Qty Contract Item
KRN - Consignment Returns
L2DM - Request
L2DP - Request
L2N - Request
L2S - Statistical Request
L2W - Request
L2WT - Val. Item for SBWAP
LAN - Ret.Packaging Pickup
LBN - Mat. Provided Item
LBR - PM Item for Reserv.
LFN - Request Billing Plan
LKN - SchedAgr w.ExtAgent
LNN - Ret.Packaging Issue
LPN - Sched.Agreement Item
LZMA - Dlv. SchedAgree Item
LZN - Sched.Agreement Item
LZSN - SAIt-SelfBill w/Inv.
MAK - Dlv.-Pos. Correction
MAK1 - Dlv.-Neg. Correction
MVN - Lease Item
NCRG - IntCo. Full Good Ret
NCRN - InterCo.StTR-Returns
NCRZ - InterCo.Empties Retn
NKN - TF Consgmt Lending
NKR - TR consgmt ret. del.
NLC - InterCo Stock Tr.Itm
NLCG - IComp-StTr-FullGoods
NLCU - IC-StTr-Empt(untied)
NLCZ - IC-StTr-Empty (tied)
NLN - StandStockTransItem
NLNG - Full Prod. Stock Tr.
NLNZ - EmptStockTran.(tied)
NLRG - FullGood ST Ret.Item
NLRN - Return StockTransItm
NLRZ - ST Empties Ret(tied)
NLSH - STrans.SLS Main Item
NLSU - STrans.SLS Sub-Item
PLPA - Pendulum List Req.
PLPN - Pend.List Zero Qty
PLPR - Pendulum List Ret.
PLPS - Pendulum List Cancel
PLPX - Pendulum List Revenu
PVN - Item Proposal
REN - Standard Item
RENN - Free Goods Item
REQ - Full Product Returns
RETX - Text Item
REU - EmptReturns unlinked
REX - Non-stock Item
REZ - Empties (linked)
RLLN - Return Delivery Item
RLN - Returns Order
RLNG - Full Gds Return Dely
RLNZ - Empt.ret. dely(link)
TAB - Indiv.Purchase Order
TAC - Mat.Level
TAD - Service
TADC - Configurable Service
TAE - Explanation
TAF - Configurable Service
TAG - Generic Article
TAL - Ret.Packag.Shipment
TALS - Standard Item: SLS
TAM - Comp.Level
TAMA - Delivery Order Item
TAN - Standard Item
TANN - Free of Charge Item
TAO - Milestone-Bill.Plan
TAP - Item Level
TAPA - Standard Sourcing
TAPN - Free of Ch. Sourcing
TAPS - Standard Item (PS)
TAQ - Header Level
TAS - Third Party Item
TASG - 3rd Pty Credit Memo
TATX - Text Item
TAU - Empties (unlinked)
TAUL - Sub-item: SLS
TAW - Value Item
TAX - Non-stock Item
TAZ - Empties (linked)
ULN - StandStockTransItem
WAC - Con. ValContract Rel
WAN - Release Item ValCont
WIDN - WMS Inbound Delivery
WIGN - Other WMS Inb. Dely
WKC - ValContrItem-Config.
WKN - Value Contract Item
WMPP - Deliv. WM->PP
WNLN - Replenishment WMS
WODD - Service
WODN - WMS Outbound Dely
WODS - Non-stock Item
WODW - Value Item
WODX - Text Item
WOGN - Other WMS Outb. Dely
WRDN - WMS Customer Returns
WSTP - TransfPostItemDec
WVC - 
WVN - Maint.Contract Item